In 2022, I wrote a blog about how that old beer fridge you might have lurking in your garage is probably worth replacing with a newer model. In short, refrigerator prices have dropped, and efficiencies have increased to the point that replacing an old beer fridge can pay for itself in just a few years.
Power Integrations 剛剛宣佈贊助 αCentauri Solar Racing 的太陽能賽車參加 普利司通世界太陽能車挑戰賽。PI 與 Team αCentauri 的贊助合作關係之所以如此渾然天成,來自於三個重要原因:我們對能源效率的共同承諾、創新和解決問題的強烈動力,以及對脫碳技術的熱情。
The UK Government recently launched a program called “Help to Heat,”, which aims to significantly reduce the energy bills for approximately 130,000 low-income households across England.
USB (通用序列匯流排) 當初推出只是做為連接周邊設備與 PC 的通訊協定,如今已發展成為消費性電子產品和行動裝置的主要充電標準。隨著 USB Type-C 支援輸出功率的提升和有利法規相繼拍板定案,看起來 USB-C 做為充電統一規格的主導地位將持續數年。 USB-C 現在支援 240 W 輸出 2021 年 3 月,USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF) 發佈了 USB 供電標準修訂版本 3.1,將透過 USB-C 纜線傳輸的最大功率從 100 W...
India's Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) uses a Star Rating system to promote energy efficiency in electrical appliances, and ceiling fan gets its own category. The new IS 374:2019 standard...