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Tool & eBike Chargers


With the growing demand for eco-friendly transportation, electric bicycles (eBikes) and E-Motorcycles are becoming increasingly popular. Certain countries have even passed laws to encourage the adoption of eBikes. For example, China has decided to stop issuing new licenses for gas powered bicycles and now only issues licenses for eBikes. Many of these new laws also set weight requirements for lighter bikes, creating the need for smaller batteries and highly efficient chargers. Another example is India where electric vehicles (EVs) are promoted through the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles (FAME) scheme. To meet this need, PI offers charger solutions featuring its broad range of highly integrated, high-voltage ICs.

Power Tools

Power Integrations offers a broad range of highly integrated, high-voltage ICs for off-line power conversion in power tools applications. Solutions include flyback, two-switch forward, and LLC topologies from 5 to 586 W output power. Each device combines high voltage MOSFETs, a controller, and protection circuitry in the same heat-sinkable package. Accurate constant current (CC) control provides reliable designs that meet the requirements of power tool battery charger applications.

Power Tool Icon

Design features include:

  • Current limiting and thermal shutdown (with automatic fault recovery capability) to improve reliability
  • Frequency jittering to reduce EMI
  • High switching frequency significantly reduces the magnetic size

Reference Designs

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DER-1060 - 1650 W DC-DC LLC Resonant Half-Bridge Converter with SR Using HiperLCS-2 Chipset
Product HiperLCS-2
DER-984 - 720 W LLC Power Supply with CV and CC Mode Control Using HiperLCS-2 Chipset and HiperPFS-3 for PFC
Product HiperLCS-2, HiperPFS-3
DER-978 - 720 W DC-DC LLC Resonant Half-Bridge Converter with SR Using HiperLCS-2 Chipset
Product HiperLCS-2
DER-977 - 500 W PFC Front End Using Two Parallel HiperPFS-5 PFC ICs
Product HiperPFS-5
DER-930 - 180 W High-Power-Density Battery Charger for Power Tools and eBikes using PowiGaN-based InnoSwitch4-CZ, ClampZero and HiperPFS-5
Product InnoSwitch4-CZ, ClampZero, HiperPFS-5
DER-672 - 220 W Power Factor Corrected LLC Power Supply for Displays and Power Tools Using HiperLCS-2 Chipset and HiperPFS-5
Product HiperLCS-2, HiperPFS-5
DER-726 - 65 W Isolated Flyback Adapter Using InnoSwitch3-EP (750 V PowiGaN Switch) and MinE-CAP
Product InnoSwitch3-EP, MinE-CAP
DER-713 - 65 W High Power Density Adapter using InnoSwitch3-EP (750 V PowiGaN Switch) and MinE-CAP
Product InnoSwitch3-EP, MinE-CAP
DER-850 - 240 W LLC CV/CC Battery Charger Power Supply using HiperLCS and LinkSwitch-TN
Product HiperLCS
DER-583 - 106 W High Line Input Non-PFC CV/CC Flyback Charger Supply
Product TOPSwitch-JX
DER-580 - 118 W High Line Input Non-PFC CV/CC Flyback Charger Supply
Product TOPSwitch-JX
DER-566 - 70 W Universal Input Non-PFC Flyback Charger Supply
Product TOPSwitch-JX
DER-472 - 300 W Non-PFC Stage Forward Power Supply
Product HiperTFS-2
DER-484 - 300 W Forward Power Supply
Product HiperPFS-3, HiperTFS-2
DER-483 - 184 W Non-PFC Stage Forward Power Supply
Product HiperTFS-2

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Data Sheet
Power Level
Topology Flyback, Secondary Side - FluxLink Regulated
Power Level 220 W

Off-Line CV/CC Flyback Switcher IC with Integrated 750 V PowiGaN Switch, Synchronous Rectification and Quasi-Resonant (QR) Operation

Topology Secondary Side - FluxLink Regulated
Power Level 220 W

Digitally Controllable Off-Line CV/CC Flyback Switcher IC with Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) Using Advanced SR FET Control, Featuring 750 V or 900 V PowiGaN Switch, Synchronous Rectification and FluxLink Feedback for Output Voltage Up to 30 V

Topology Secondary Side - FluxLink Regulated
Power Level 220 W

Digitally Controllable Off-Line CV/CC Flyback Switcher IC with 750 V PowiGaN, Active Clamp Drive and Synchronous Rectification, Pairs With ClampZero Active Clamp IC for ZVS or Uses Stand-alone for Quasi-Resonant Mode

Topology PFC
Power Level 240 W

Advanced Power Factor Correction (PFC) Controller IC with integrated 750 V PowiGaN switches, optimized for high Power Factor (PF) and efficiency across the load range. 

Topology LLC Half Bridge
Power Level 1650 W

HiperLCS-2 is a high efficiency, off-line LLC Switcher IC Chipset.  It consists of:

  • HiperLCS2-HB, a Half-bridge Power Device with Integrated 600 V FREDFETs, and
  • HiperLCS2-SR, a Safety Isolation Device with Synchronous Rectification and FluxLink Feedback

Note: HiperLCS-2 can easily pair with the HiperPFS-5 PFC IC.

Topology Flyback
Power Level 220 W

Active Clamp IC with Integrated High-Voltage Switch, Pairs with InnoSwitch4 Family of Offline Switcher ICs

Topology Flyback, Secondary Side - FluxLink Regulated
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Off-Line CV/CC Flyback Switcher IC with 750 V PowiGaN, Active Clamp Drive and Synchronous Rectification, Pairs With ClampZero Active Clamp IC for Zero Voltage Switching and Maximum Efficiency

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Power Level 100 W

Digitally Controllable Off-Line CV/CC QR Flyback Switcher IC with Integrated High-Voltage Switch, Synchronous Rectification and FluxLink Feedback

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Power Level 65 W

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Topology PFC
Power Level 1000 W

PFC Controller with Integrated High-Voltage MOSFET and Qspeed Diode Optimized for High PF and Efficiency Across Load Range

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