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GaN进化史 - PowiGaN引领GaN进步

PI 董事长兼首席执行官 Balu Balakrishnan 谈论 PowiGaN 技术如何很快取代硅和 SiC,实现最高效、最具成本效益的高压电源。

PI Webinar - PowiGaN Enables More Efficient Power Supplies for Electric Vehicles

In this live webinar recorded on August 31, 2023, PI Director of Automotive Development Peter Vaughan explains the benefits of replacing 12 V lead-acid batteries in electric vehicles with compact and efficient µDCDC power supplies. He also introduces PI's exclusive 900 V PowiGaN-based solutions perfect for 12 V battery replacement.

氮化镓进化史 - PI 高层座谈 - PowerUP Expo 2023

在2023年6月28日的 PowerUP 线上展会中,Power Integrations技术领导们参加了讨论 PowiGaN 氮化镓技术的专题座谈,分析 PowiGaN 为什么比离散的氮化镓产品更优越,并说明 PowiGaN 用于汽车及其他众多应用的性能优势。

Triumphing over the Challenges of Increased Power Delivery - PowerUP Expo 2022

During this June 29 technical presentation at PowerUp Expo 2022, Director of Technical Outreach Andy Smith breaks down how to increase power in non-isolated (buck) conversion, simplify isolated converter design using power system design tools, and leverage the benefits of wide bandgap devices to increase efficiency or provide compact and efficient solutions for high-voltage applications.

PI线上直播 – 智能家居供电解决方案

在这场由电源网于2022年6月30日举行的线上直播中,PI资深技术培训经理Jason Yan介绍最新的智能家居高效开关电源解决方案,并探讨如何利用PowiGaN技术实现高达95%效率的电源解决方案

BridgeSwitch Reduces Field Returns - PowerUP Expo 2021

During this December 9 keynote presentation at PowerUP Expo 2021, Sr. Product Marketing Manager Cristian IonescuCatrina explains how BridgeSwitch motor driver ICs use built-in system fault diagnosis to reduce field returns.

Wide Use of GaN Switches - PowerUP Expo 2021

During this December 8 presentation at PowerUP Expo 2021, Director of Technical Outreach Andy Smith breaks down the wide range of applications that can benefit from the high power density and high reliability realized by PowiGaN-based devices.

GaN - It's All About Efficiency - Industry Tech Days 2021 Fireside Chat

In this live discussion during the Industry Tech Days virtual conference hosted by All About Circuits on September 15, 2021, PI's Vice President of Marketing Doug Bailey explains PowiGaN technology's significant impact in power supply designs, the true meaning of efficiency, the benefits of eliminating heatsinks, and the undiscovery of fire.

PI 线上直播点看 - 超小型适配器电源设计

在2021年4月的线上直播中,资深技术培训经理Jason Yan讲解如何利用采取PowiGaN技术的PI产品,设计超小型的适配器电源,包含高度集成的InnoSwitch3系列反激式开关IC,以及大幅缩减电解电容体积的MinE-CAP IC。

PI 线上直播点看 - BridgeSwitch BLDC 电机驱动器

在这场2020年6月30日举行的线上直播中,PI资深技术培训经理Jason Yan深入讲解如何利用BridgeSwitch电机驱动器IC的独特功能,设计出符合最新节能标准的高压电机,并将安全认证所需时间减半。