PI Webinar - PowiGaN Enables More Efficient Power Supplies for Electric Vehicles
In this live webinar recorded on August 31, 2023, PI Director of Automotive Development Peter Vaughan explains the benefits of replacing 12 V lead-acid batteries in electric vehicles with compact and efficient µDCDC power supplies. He also introduces PI's exclusive 900 V PowiGaN-based solutions perfect for 12 V battery replacement.
PowiGaN 氮化镓技术的高质量、耐用性和可靠性
Power Integrations 公司研发的 PowiGaN氮化镓技术产品,制造过程全程由本公司独立完成。为保障采用这种新技术的产品质量完美无瑕疵、坚韧耐用,我们特别加入多种标准严苛的测试流程。营销及应用工程副总裁Doug Bailey先生为您介绍。