PI线上直播点看 - BridgeSwitch-2高效率电机驱动器IC
在2024年8月13日的线上直播中,PI电机驱动FAE张学武讲解了BridgeSwitch-2半桥电机驱动器IC,以及大幅简化设计流程、缩短开发时间的MotorXpert Suite支援软件套装。
在2024年8月13日的线上直播中,PI电机驱动FAE张学武讲解了BridgeSwitch-2半桥电机驱动器IC,以及大幅简化设计流程、缩短开发时间的MotorXpert Suite支援软件套装。
In this July 30, 2024 webinar, PI High Power Product Marketing Engineer Thorsten Schmidt introduces the SCALE-iFlex XLT family of dual-channel plug-and-play gate drivers for high-voltage modules up to 2300 V.
In this May 22, 2024 webinar, PI Senior Applications Engineer Han Cui explains how InnoMux-2 flyback switcher ICs achieve high efficiency and accurate regulation in multi-output power supplies without the need for DC-DC post-regulators.
在2024年5月15日由充电头网主办的线上直播中,PI公司AE经理胡早胜(Lakes Hu)详细介绍利用InnoSwitch4-CZ、HiperPFS-5和HiperLCS-2芯片产品设计出具有极高效率和极高紧凑度的电单车充电器。
在2024年5月16日由电源网主办的线上直播中,PI公司资深技术培训经理阎金光(Jason Yan)讲解采用1250 V PowiGaN技术的InnoSwitch3-EP反激式电源IC。
In this May 1, 2024 webinar, PI Senior Product Marketing Manager Silvestro Fimiani highlights our InnoSwitch3-EP flyback switcher ICs, featuring a 1250 V PowiGaN switch.
PIの会長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)のBalu Balakrishnan 氏は、同社がリスクを冒し、先進的な開発アプローチでどのように業界を前進させているかについて語ります。
PI の会長兼 CEO の Balu Balakrishnan 氏が、PowiGaN テクノロジーがまもなくシリコンや SiC に取って代わり、最も効率的でコスト効率の高い高電圧電源を実現する方法について語ります。
製品開発担当 PI 副社長の Roland Saint-Pierre が、PowiGaN テクノロジーによってこれまでにないレベルの効率と電力密度を備えた電源 IC 設計がどのように可能になったかについて語ります。
In this September 20, 2023 webinar, PI Senior Product Marketing Manager Silvestro Fimiani examines the new ErP requirements that lowers standby power limits from 500 mW to 300 mW.
In this live webinar recorded on August 31, 2023, PI Director of Automotive Development Peter Vaughan explains the benefits of replacing 12 V lead-acid batteries in electric vehicles with compact and efficient µDCDC power supplies. He also introduces PI's exclusive 900 V PowiGaN-based solutions perfect for 12 V battery replacement.
During this June 28 panel discussion at PowerUP 2023, Power Integrations technology leaders talk about PowiGaN Technology, why it is superior to discrete GaN technologies and the advantages it offers to automotive and many more applications.
In this November 30 presentation during Bodo's Wide Bandgap Event 2022, PI's Director of Technical Outreach Andrew Smith explains how to choose among gallium nitride, silicon carbide and traditional silicon technologies when designing a power supply for any given application.
在新電子科技雜誌於2022年6月28日舉行的線上研討會中,Power Integrations產品技術應用工程師蔡昇洋講解如何利用PowiGaN氮化鎵技術,實現超高功率密度的240 W充電器。
During this June 29 technical presentation at PowerUp Expo 2022, Director of Technical Outreach Andy Smith breaks down how to increase power in non-isolated (buck) conversion, simplify isolated converter design using power system design tools, and leverage the benefits of wide bandgap devices to increase efficiency or provide compact and efficient solutions for high-voltage applications.
During this June 29 keynote at PowerUP Expo 2022, Sr. Product Marketing Manager Cristian IonescuCatrina discusses the growth in the market for BLDC and permanent magnet motors that address the market up to 400 W, and the factors that are driving the need for new solutions which are energy efficient and reliable.
在这场由电源网于2022年6月30日举行的线上直播中,PI资深技术培训经理Jason Yan介绍最新的智能家居高效开关电源解决方案,并探讨如何利用PowiGaN技术实现高达95%效率的电源解决方案
Typical power adapters for our electronic devices continuously waste energy as long as they are plugged in. Just how much energy (and money) are these energy vampires sucking away?
Both regulatory and technological tools have significantly reduced the amount of energy wasted by electronic devices in standby mode. Director of Applications Engineering David Chen explains.
在Power Integrations和EEWorld联合举办的线上直播中,资深技术培训经理Jason Yan讲解如何使用PI Expert设计软件,实现一款安全高效的USB PD电源设计。
During this December 9 keynote presentation at PowerUP Expo 2021, Sr. Product Marketing Manager Cristian IonescuCatrina explains how BridgeSwitch motor driver ICs use built-in system fault diagnosis to reduce field returns.
During this December 8 presentation at PowerUP Expo 2021, Director of Technical Outreach Andy Smith breaks down the wide range of applications that can benefit from the high power density and high reliability realized by PowiGaN-based devices.
In this November 16, 2021 webinar hosted by TechOnline, PI Senior Product Marketing Manager Silvestro Fimiani explains how to use PowiGaN-based InnoSwitch3 flyback switcher ICs to increase efficiency and provide more standby power in auxiliary power supplies.
In this webinar hosted by Electronic Design on October 21, 2021, PI Senior Product Marketing Manager Cristian IonescuCatrina explains how to use BridgeSwitch half-bridge motor driver ICs to design compact motor inverters that achieve high thermal performance without heatsinks.
In this live discussion during the Industry Tech Days virtual conference hosted by All About Circuits on September 15, 2021, PI's Vice President of Marketing Doug Bailey explains PowiGaN technology's significant impact in power supply designs, the true meaning of efficiency, the benefits of eliminating heatsinks, and the undiscovery of fire.
In this live session during the Industry Tech Days virtual conference hosted by All About Circuits on September 16, 2021, PI's Senior Product Marketing Engineer Aditya Kulkarni explains how to choose the right PowiGaN-based power conversion device for any high-efficiency, high-power density USB PD +PPS charger design.
Senior Product Marketing Manager Edward Ong introduces automotive-qualified Qspeed silicon diodes featuring the industry's lowest Qrr. These 600 V, 12 A diodes can replace SiC components in automotive applications.
在这场2021年6月24日举行的线上直播中,AE团队负责人胡早胜(Lakes Hu)讲解如何利用LinkSwitch-TNZ高效率离线开关IC设计出适用于新一代智能家居和物联网设备的紧凑型电源。
在这场2021年6月18日举行的线上直播中,大功率FAE经理王强介绍如何利用InnoSwitch3-AQ反激式功率IC,实现超宽输入汽车紧急电源(EPS)的15W加强绝缘,以符合ISO 26262功能安全要求。
In this presentation during 2021 PCIM Europe Digital Days on May 5, PI Senior Product Marketing Manager Cristian IonescuCatrina introduces the MotorXpert software that enables designers using BridgeSwitch BLDC motor driver ICs to precisely control and tune single-phase motors.
In this presentation during 2021 PCIM Europe Digital Days on May 5, PI Director of Business Development Peter Vaughan introduces the 900 V version of the InnoSwitch3-AQ flyback switcher IC, which provides greater headroom for 400 V and 800 V electric vehicle inverter, battery management and climate control applications.
2021年5月5日のPCIM Europe Digital Daysで行われたパネルディスカッションで、PIのマーケティング担当副社長Doug Baileyが、PowiGaN技術が高効率を維持しながら電源設計においてヒートシンクをどのように排除するかを説明しました。
在2021年4月的线上直播中,资深技术培训经理Jason Yan讲解如何利用采取PowiGaN技术的PI产品,设计超小型的适配器电源,包含高度集成的InnoSwitch3系列反激式开关IC,以及大幅缩减电解电容体积的MinE-CAP IC。
In this May 26, 2020 webinar, we give an overall to PI Expert Online, our web-based design tool that dramatically accelerates design cycles by turns specifications into a working solution instantly. This is Part 1 of a 3-part series.
In this May 27, 2020 webinar, we break down magnetics design using PI Expert Online, our web-based design tool. This is Part 2 of a 3-part series.
In this May 28, 2020 webinar, we discuss advanced power supply design analysis and optimization using PI Expert Online, our web-based design tool. This is Part 3 of a 3-part series.
在2020年11月的线上直播中,资深技术培训经理Jason Yan讲解PI的新型MinE-CAP IC,可将高压大容量电解电容的尺寸缩小一半,在不牺牲系统效率的前提下可以将适配器尺寸缩小最多40%。
In this May 19, 2020 webinar, PI Director of Applications Engineering, David Chen discusses EU Energy Efficiency Label Reform, as well as formulae used to determine the new, much stricter energy efficiency classes.
In this July 16, 2020 webinar, PI Senior Director of Automotive Michael Hornkamp and Senior Product Marketing Manager Edward Ong discuss reliable and efficient power supply and gate driver solutions for battery electric vehicles (BEV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV).
In this June 11, 2020 webinar, PI Director of Product Marketing Chris Lee discusses PowiGaN technology, as well as how gallium nitride (GaN) switches will increasingly dominate many power conversion markets.
In this live discussion during the Charged Virtual Conference on EV Engineering on September 3, 2020, PI's Senior Director of Automotive Michael Hornkamp explains how AEC-Q100-qualified solutions enable safe and reliable propulsion inverters.
In this December 16, 2020 webinar, Senior Product Marketing Manager Edward Ong explains how the InnoMux chipset enables highly efficient power supply designs for appliances with integrated displays or LED lighting.
In this October 8, 2020 webinar, Senior Product Marketing Manager Adnaan Lokhandwala breaks down PI's highly efficient solutions for Internet of Things (IoT) and home automation, including PowiGaN-based offline switcher ICs delivering 95% efficiency in USB wall receptacle products.