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Application Notes

Showing 1 - 20 of 34 Application Notes
AN-115 - Failure Mode and Effect Analysis - InnoMux2-BL

The flyback controller IC used is InnoMux2-BL IMX2065C, and the four-channel LED backlight controller IC is IML204DG. The device was tested under room temperature during 90 VAC and 265 VAC line voltages and, standby and nominal load.

AN-116 - Failure Mode and Effect Analysis - IML204DG Backlight Controller

The flyback controller IC used is InnoMux2-BL IMX2065C, and the four-channel LED backlight controller IC is IML204DG. The device was tested under room temperature during 90 VAC and 265 VAC line voltages and, standby and nominal load.

AN-109 - LinkSwitch-XT2SR Family Non-Isolated Flyback Design Guide
Description This application note is intended to guide engineers through a step-by-step design process of designing non-isolated AC-DC flyback power supply using the LinkSwitch-XT2SR family of devices.
AN-104 - InnoSwitch4-Pro Family Programming Manual

This manual describes the software implementation including driver libraries used to control InnoSwitch4-Pro operations. Important aspects of this document are calculations for the values to be programmed for various configurations such as voltage, current, cable drop compensation, constant power, I²C command sequences to prevent any unexpected behaviors, device responses and code examples.

AN-103 - InnoSwitch4-Pro PIC16F18325 Code Library Overview and Guide

This document discusses the application of Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC) library for the InnoSwitch4-Pro IC family. This library can be used with both the InnoSwitch3-Pro and InnoSwitch4-Pro family of devices. This code was designed to be highly portable with different microcontroller platforms.

AN-102 - InnoSwitch3-Pro/InnoSwitch4-Pro Arduino Code Library Overview and Guide

The application of InnoSwitch3-Pro and InnoSwitch4-Pro Family Arduino Library is discussed in this document. This code was designed to be highly portable with different microcontroller platforms.

AN-101 - InnoSwitch4-Pro Master Debugger User's Guide

This guide will allow the user to get sufficient knowledge on how to operate the devices with the use of a simple microcontroller such as Arduino. The microcontroller used is an Arduino Mega 2560 to satisfy the memory requirement of the master debugger file.

AN-100 - InnoSwitch4-Pro Toggle Board (TST-047) User's Guide

This manual is describes what constitutes the TST-047 toggle board, how it works and how to use it with InnoSwitch4-Pro family of offline switcher IC devices. It also contains the schematic, bill of materials, printed circuit board layout.

AN-82 TinySwitch-4 Family Design Guide

This application note is intended for engineers designing an isolated AC-DC flyback power supply using TinySwitch-4 family of devices. It provides guidelines to enable an engineer to quickly select key components and also to complete a suitable transformer design.

AN-98 - LinkSwitch-TNZ Family Buck and Buck-Boost Design Guide

This application note provides information for designing a non-isolated power supply using the LinkSwitch-TNZ family of devices. This document describes the design procedure for buck and buck-boost converters.

AN-95 InnoSwitch3-PD Design Guide

This application note is intended to assist in designing an isolated AC-DC flyback power supply or charger using the InnoSwitch3-PD device. It provides guidelines for selecting key components and the information necessary to complete a suitable transformer design.

AN-92 MinE-CAP Design Guide

This application note is intended as a design guide for engineers designing an isolated AC-DC single-stage flyback power supply using the MinE-CAP family of devices. It is assumed that the designer is using the MinE-CAP together with the InnoSwitch3 family of power conversion ICs. However, the design equations shown can be used for applications beyond the scope of this document.

AN-86 - LinkSwitch-XT2 Design Guide

This application note (AN) provides guidance for using LinkSwitch-XT2 and should be read in conjunction with and in the context of the LinkSwitch-XT2 family data sheet.

AN-88 TinySwitch-LT Family Design Guide

This application note (AN) provides guidance for using TinySwitch-LT and should be read in conjunction with and in the context of the TinySwitch-LT family data sheet.

AN-84 - InnoSwitch3-Pro Toggle Board (TST-047) User's Guide

Provides guidance to developers on how to use an evaluation board (TST-047) to test and debug InnoSwitch3-Pro based power supplies.

AN-85 - InnoSwitch3-Pro Master Debugger User’s Guide

This application note describes the use of a tool made using an Arduino-UNO and an LCD Display shield which enabled evaluation of the power stage made using InnoSwitch3-Pro.

AN-79 - Wave Soldering Guidelines for InSOP and HSOP Packages

This document offers guidelines for wave soldering design of InSOP-24 and HSOP-28 packages, particularly those without bottom exposed pads. Although IR/convection reflow is recommended for surface-mount attachment, both packages have been designed with wave soldering in mind when it is unavailable or not preferred. The document provides recommendations for solder pad layout, maximum spacing between solder pads, and solder thieves' orientation and design.

AN-72 - InnoSwitch3 Family Design Guide

This application note is intended for engineers designing an isolated AC-DC flyback power supply or charger using the InnoSwitch3 family of devices. It provides guidelines to enable an engineer to quickly select key components and also complete a suitable transformer design.

AN-77 - InnoSwitch3-Pro Code Library using Arduino

Download the code library: InnoSwitch3-Pro Code Library and API for Arduino

AN-78 - InnoSwitch3-Pro Code Library using PIC16F18325