Module Adapted Gate Driver (MAG) for Driving Half-Bridge Power Modules with Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) Temperature Sensing via Electrical Interface
The 2SMLT0220D2C0C is a Module Adapted Gate Driver (MAG) of the SCALE-iFlex LT NTC gate driver family. The 2SMLT0220D2C0C works conjointly with a central Isolated Master Control (IMC) 2SILT1200T2A0C-33 that supports up to four power modules of LV100 and XHP™2 packages, and a cable set.
The IMC 2SILT1200T2A0C-33 operates power modules that have a rated blocking voltage of up to 3300 V. The MAGs are matched to the specific power modules from a variety of suppliers. SCALE-iFlex LT NTC enables easy paralleling of power modules providing high flexibility and system scalability.
支持的模块 | FF1800XTR17T2P5 |
IGBT电压等级 | 1700 V |
技术 | SCALE-2 |
输出功率/通道-最大 | 1.00 W |
运作温度 (最小) | -40 ℃ |
运作温度 (最大) | 85 ℃ |
接口类型 | 电气 |
模块外壳 | XHP™2 |
IGBT制造商 | Infineon |
通道数 | 2 |
门极峰值电流(最大) | +20 A |
产品类型 | 电路板 |
Product Sub-Type | 即插即用驱动器 |
支持的模块 | IGBT |
支持的拓扑 |
三电平NP钳位 - 类型1
三电平NP钳位 - 类型2
并行支持? | 是 |
保护功能 |
驱动器监控 | NTC |
三防漆? | 是 |
驱动模式 | 直接独立 |
IGBT的连接类型 | 直接 |
电源电压 (典型) | 15.00 V |
门极导通电压 | +15.00 V |
门极关断电压 | -9.40 V |
电压 - 直流母线切换 | 1250.00 V |
封装 | 电路板 |
隔离技术 | 电隔离 |
隔离类型 | 加强型 |
存储温度(最低) | -40.00 ℃ |
存储温度(最高) | 85.00 ℃ |
门极峰值电流(最小) | -20 |