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车载充电器 (OBC)

on-board chargerThe OBC function can either be a standalone module or integrated with the main HV DC-DC. Its function is to take AC power provided via the vehicle charging port and recharge the vehicle battery.

Regional differences on availability of 3 phase AC power splits OBCs into supporting single phase or single and 3 phase input. Power levels are typically 3.6 kW to 11 kW though some vehicle can offer up to 22 kW. Higher AC power levels exist for commercial vehicles but typically due to cost and size charging moves to DC fast based charging at up to 350 kW. The power electronics in off-board charging are external and directly connect to the vehicle battery during charging.

OBCs are likely to become more sophisticated and add value to EV ownership by providing the ability to be grid tied, that is provide energy from the vehicle battery back into the AC supply. This opens many opportunities such as backup power for a home, during camping, peak load management or grid level demand response.

Power Integrations offers low component count, isolated and non-isolated integrated flyback and buck controller ICs ideal for the internal housekeeping supplies within an OBC. These can be both on the AC side (to operate the converter stages) or that HVDC battery side (loss of 12 V recovery supply). With the move to 800 V vehicle architectures these solutions can operate at input voltages above 1000 V. For rectification within the OBC Qspeed diodes offer an attractive alternative to silicon carbide with a soft, very low loss recovery giving higher efficiency and lower EMI.


Additional Documents
DER-994Q - 35 W Ultra-Low Profile Power Supply with 200-1000 VDC Input and 24 V Output Using InnoSwitch3-AQ (1700 V Sic Switch)
Product InnoSwitch3-AQ
DER-1054Q - 120 W Power Supply with Planar Transformer Replacing 12 V Battery in 800 V BEV Systems Using InnoSwitch3-AQ (1700 V SiC Switch)
Product InnoSwitch3-AQ
RDR-952Q - 86 W Power Supply for 800 V Bus Using InnoSwitch3-AQ (1700 V SiC Switch)
Product InnoSwitch3-AQ
DER-1035Q - 70 W Power Supply Replacing 12 V Battery in 400 V BEV Systems Using InnoSwitch3-AQ (1700 V SiC Switch)
Product InnoSwitch3-AQ
RDR-953Q - 100 W 反激式电源,替代400 V DC电动汽车的12 V铅酸辅助电池,采用基于900 V PowiGaN的InnoSwitch3-AQ
Product InnoSwitch3-AQ
DER-965Q - 10 W Non-Isolated Buck Power Supply for 400 V BEV Systems using Automotive-Qualified LinkSwitch-TN2Q
Product LinkSwitch-TN2Q
DER-948Q - 35 W Power Supply for 800 V Bus with 30-1000 VDC Input and 15 V Output Using InnoSwitch3-AQ (1700 V SiC Switch)
Product InnoSwitch3-AQ
RDR-707Q - 9.75 W Non-Isolated Buck Power Supply using Automotive-Qualified LinkSwitch-TN2Q
Product LinkSwitch-TN2Q
DER-913Q - 35 W Power Supply for 800 V Bus with 40-1000 VDC Input Using InnoSwitch3-AQ (1700 V SiC Switch)
Product InnoSwitch3-AQ
DER-719Q - 2.7 W StackFET Buck Power Supply using Automotive-Qualified LinkSwitch-TN2Q
Product LinkSwitch-TN2Q
RDR-840Q - 30 W Power Supply for 400 V Bus with 30-550 VDC Input Using InnoSwitch3-AQ
Product InnoSwitch3-AQ
DER-844Q - 4.5 W Non-Isolated Buck Power Supply using Automotive-Qualified LinkSwitch-TN2Q
Product LinkSwitch-TN2Q


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Power Level


  • VRRM     - 200 V - 600 V
  • IF(AVG)   - 10 A - 20 A
  • QRR       - 9.2 nC - 48.4 nC
