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USB PD等快速充电器协议可大幅缩短手机的充电时间,从过夜充电缩至不到30分钟。对用户而言,充电更为快捷,几乎可以不间断使用移动设备。

USB PD必定成为移动设备充电的新标准。USB PD的功率能力高达100 W,这样用户能将一个充电器同时用于手机、平板电脑和笔记本电脑。

PowiGaN 是Power Integrations自行研发的氮化镓(GaN)技术。在PI高度集成的离线反激式开关IC中,PowiGaN开关替代初级侧的传统硅晶体管,从而降低开关损耗,和硅器件相比,PowiGaN产品可实现体积更小,重量更轻,效率更高的充电器,适配器和敞开式电源。基于PowiGaN的IC在整个负载范围内的效率高达95%,在封闭式适配器不需散热片就可实现高达100W输出功率。



Additional Documents
DER-1065 - 90 W USB PD 3.0 Type-C Shared-Capacity Dual-Port Wall Outlet Using InnoSwitch5-Pro PowiGaN
Product InnoSwitch5-Pro
DER-1046 - 180 W USB PD 3.1 EPR Charger for Notebooks and Power Tools Using PowiGaN-based InnoSwitch5-Pro and HiperPFS-5
Product InnoSwitch5-Pro, HiperPFS-5
RDR-1002 - 140 W USB PD 3.1 EPR电源,采用PowiGaN款InnoSwitch5-Pro、HiperPFS-5和Injoinic USB PD控制器
Product InnoSwitch5-Pro, HiperPFS-5
DER-979 - 100 W In-Wall USB Outlet with Selectable Output Voltage Using InnoSwitch4-CZ PowiGaN and ClampZero
Product InnoSwitch4-CZ, ClampZero
DER-960 - 100 W USB PD 3.0 + PPS Power Supply with ZVS Using InnoSwitch4-Pro PowiGaN, ClampZero, HiperPFS-5 and Injoinic USB Type-C PD Controller
Product InnoSwitch4-Pro, ClampZero, HiperPFS-5
RDR-942 - 65 W USB PD 3.0 + PPS 电源,带有主动箝位零电压开通(ZVS),采用PowiGaN款InnoSwitch4-Pro和ClampZero
Product InnoSwitch4-Pro
DER-966 - 140 W USB PD 3.1 Extended Power Range Charger using PowiGaN-based InnoSwitch4-CZ, ClampZero and HiperPFS-5
Product InnoSwitch4-CZ, ClampZero, HiperPFS-5
DER-957 - 130 W USB PD 3.1 Extended Power Range Charger using PowiGaN-based InnoSwitch4-CZ, ClampZero and HiperPFS-5
Product InnoSwitch4-CZ, ClampZero, HiperPFS-5
DER-937 - 100 W USB PD 3.0 Power Supply with 3.3 V – 21 V / 5 A (100 W Power-limited) PPS Output Using InnoSwitch3-PD PowiGaN (INN3870C-H805) HiperPFS-4 (PFS7628C) and CAPZero-2 (CAP200DG)
Product InnoSwitch3-PD, HiperPFS-4, CAPZero-2
RDR-838 - 60 W USB PD 3.0 Power Supply with 3.3 V – 21 V PPS Output Using InnoSwitch3-PD PowiGaN (INN3879C-H801)
Product InnoSwitch3-PD
DER-837 - 45 W USB PD 3.0 Power Supply with 3.3 V – 11 V / 5 A (45 W Power-limited) PPS Output Using InnoSwitch3-PD PowiGaN (INN3879C-H803)
Product InnoSwitch3-PD
DER-836 - 30 W USB PD 3.0 Power Supply with 3.3 V–16 V PPS Output Using InnoSwitch3-PD PowiGaN (INN3878C-H804)
Product InnoSwitch3-PD
DER-822 - 60 W USB PD 3.0 with 3.3 V-21 V PPS Power Supply Using InnoSwitch3-Pro PowiGaN and MinE-CAP
Product InnoSwitch3-Pro , MinE-CAP
DER-626 - 65 W USB PD 3.0 with 3.3 V-21 V PPS Power Supply Using InnoSwitch3 Pro PowiGaN and MinE-CAP
Product InnoSwitch3-Pro , MinE-CAP
DER-917 - 60 W Power Supply for Wall Outlets with USB Type-C/A Ports Using InnoSwitch3-CP with PowiGaN Technology
Product InnoSwitch3-CP
DER-908 - 30 W USB PD 3.0 with 3.3 V-21 V PPS Power Supply Using InnoSwitch3-Pro PowiGaN and VIA Labs VP302 Controller
Product InnoSwitch3-Pro
DER-600 - 45 W Ultra-Compact USB PD 3.0 Power Supply Using InnoSwitch3-Pro with PowiGaN and VIA Labs VP302 Controller
Product InnoSwitch3-Pro
DER-820 - 20 W USB PD 3.0 with 3.3 V-11 V PPS Power Supply Using InnoSwitch3-Pro and VIA Labs VP302 Controller
Product InnoSwitch3-Pro
DER-856 - 45 W USB PD 3.0 with 3.3 V-21 V PPS (APDO 5 A for 3.3 V-11 V) Power Supply Using InnoSwitch3-Pro PowiGaN and VIA Labs VP302 Controller
Product InnoSwitch3-Pro
RDR-848 - 42 W Dual Port Isolated Flyback Power Supply with 30 W USB PD 3.0 and 12 W USB-A Port Using InnoSwitch3-Pro with PowiGaN Technology (INN3379C-H302)
Product InnoSwitch3-Pro
DER-803 - 60 W USB PD 3.0 with 3.3 V-21 V PPS Power Supply Using InnoSwitch3-Pro and VIA Labs VP302 Controller
Product InnoSwitch3-Pro
DER-602 - 100 W USB PD Type-C Power Supply Using InnoSwitch3-CP and HiperPFS-4
Product InnoSwitch3-CP, HiperPFS-4, CAPZero-2
DER-601 - 60 W USB PD Type-C Power Supply Using InnoSwitch3-CP
Product InnoSwitch3-CP
RDR-805 - 100 W USB PD 3.0 with 3.3 V-21 V PPS Power Supply Using InnoSwitch3-Pro and VIA Labs VP302 Controller
Product InnoSwitch3-Pro , HiperPFS-4, CAPZero-2
RDR-802 - 60 W USB PD 3.0 with 3.3 V-21 V PPS Power Supply Using InnoSwitch3-Pro and Weltrend WT6635P Controller
Product InnoSwitch3-Pro
RDR-813 - 27 W USB PD 3.0 with 3.3 V-11 V PPS Power Supply Using InnoSwitch3-Pro and VIA Labs VP302 Controller (Single-Board Design)
Product InnoSwitch3-Pro
DER-814 - 45 W USB PD 3.0 with 3.3 V-21 V PPS Power Supply Using InnoSwitch3-Pro and VIA Labs VP302 Controller
Product InnoSwitch3-Pro
DER-804 - 45 W USB PD 3.0 with 3.3 V-21 V PPS (APDO 5 A for 3.3 V-5.9 V) Power Supply Using InnoSwitch3-Pro and VIA Labs VP302 Controller
Product InnoSwitch3-Pro
DER-551 - 54 W Dual USB PD Charger Using InnoSwitch3-CP and Cypress CCGA Controller
Product InnoSwitch3-CP
DER-701 - 27 W USB PD 3.0 with 3.3 V-11 V PPS Power Supply Using InnoSwitch3-Pro and VIA Labs VP302 Controller
Product InnoSwitch3-Pro
DER-613 - 27 W USB PD 3.0 with 3.3 V-11 V PPS Power Supply Using InnoSwitch3-Pro and Weltrend WT6635P Controller (Single-Board Design)
Product InnoSwitch3-Pro
DER-704 - 45 W USB PD 3.0 with 3.3 V-16 V PPS Power Supply Using InnoSwitch3-Pro and VIA Labs VP302 Controller
Product InnoSwitch3-Pro
DER-628 - 18 W USB PD Charger Using InnoSwitch3-CP and Cypress CCG3PA Controller
Product InnoSwitch3-CP
DER-703 - 27 W USB PD 3.0 with 3.3 V-11 V PPS Power Supply Using InnoSwitch3-Pro and Weltrend WT6635P Controller
Product InnoSwitch3-Pro
DER-603 - 27 W USB PD 3.0 with 3 V-11 V PPS Power Supply Using InnoSwitch3-CP and Cypress CCG3PA Controller
Product InnoSwitch3-CP
DER-702 - 45 W USB PD 3.0 with 3.3 V-16 V PPS Power Supply Using InnoSwitch3-Pro and Weltrend WT6635P Controller
Product InnoSwitch3-Pro
DER-536 - 45 W USB PD Power Supply
Product InnoSwitch3-CP


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Topology Secondary Side - FluxLink Regulated
Power Level 220 W

采用先进SR FET控制的数字可控离线恒压/恒流反激式开关集成电路,具有零电压开关(ZVS),特点包括750 V或900 V PowiGaN开关、同步整流和FluxLink反馈,输出电压高达30 V

Topology Secondary Side - FluxLink Regulated
Power Level 220 W

集成750V PowiGaN、有源钳位驱动和同步整流的数控恒压/恒流离线反激式开关IC——可与ClampZero有源钳位IC搭配使用实现ZVS(零电压开关),也可单独使用以实现准谐振模式

Topology PFC
Power Level 240 W

内部集成750V PowiGaN 开关的先进的功率因数校正(PFC)控制器IC,可在整个载范围内实现高功率因数(PF)和高效率。

  • 对于功率高达240W的LLC拓扑结构,PFS517xF可与 HiperLCS-2 芯片组搭配使用
  • 对于功率高达110W的反激式拓扑结构,PFS527xF(非自偏置供电)可与 InnoSwitch4-CZ 开关IC搭配使用
Topology Flyback, Secondary Side - FluxLink Regulated
Power Level 100 W

内部集成USB Type-C和USB-PD控制器、高压开关、同步整流和FluxLink反馈功能的准谐振离线反激式开关IC

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Topology Flyback, Secondary Side - FluxLink Regulated
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Topology Flyback, Secondary Side - FluxLink Regulated
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集成了650 V MOSFET、同步整流、FluxLink反馈的离线反激式恒压/恒流准谐振开关电源IC
