Module Adapted Gate Driver (MAG) for 1700 V Half-Bridge Power Modules
The SCALE-iFlex LT gate driver family consists of a central Isolated Master Control (IMC) and Module Adapted Gate Driver (MAG) together with a cable set. The IMC is designed for operation of power modules with a blocking voltage of up to 1700 V, whereas the MAGs are optimized for different power modules of different suppliers and chip technologies in the voltage classes of up to 1700 V.
Highly Integrated, Compact Footprint
- Ready-to-use gate driver solution optimized for power modules up to 1700 V blocking voltage
- Dual channel gate driver
- To be controlled by IMC (e.g., 2SIL1200T2A0C-17)
- Operation altitude up to 2000 m
- Optimized for paralleling of up to 6 power modules
- Supply voltage to be provide by IMC (e.g., 2SIL1200T2A0C-17)
- 2.0 W output power per channel at maximum ambient temperature
- ±20 A maximum gate current
- -40 °C to 85 °C operating ambient temperature
Full Safety and Regulatory Compliance
- Clearance and creepage distances between secondary and secondarysides meet requirements for basic isolation according to IEC61800-5-1
- RoHS compliant
支持的模块 | FF600R17ME4 |
IGBT电压等级 | 1700 V |
技术 | SCALE-2 |
运作温度 (最小) | -40 ℃ |
运作温度 (最大) | 85 ℃ |
接口类型 | 电气 |
模块外壳 | EconoDUAL™ |
IGBT制造商 | Infineon |
通道数 | 2 |
产品类型 | 电路板 |
Product Sub-Type | 即插即用驱动器 |
支持的模块 | IGBT |
支持的拓扑 | 两电平电压源 |
并行支持? | 是 |
保护功能 |
驱动模式 |
IGBT的连接类型 | 直接 |
电源电压 (典型) | 15.00 V |
门极导通电压 | +15.00 V |
门极关断电压 | -9.99 V |
隔离类型 | 基本 |
存储温度(最低) | -40.00 ℃ |
存储温度(最高) | 85.00 ℃ |