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Product Flyer – HiperLCS-2

Off-Line LLC Switcher IC Chipset - HiperLCS2-HB Half-bridge Power Device with Integrated 600 V FREDFETs & HiperLCS2-SR Safety Isolation Device with Synchronous Rectification and FluxLink Feedback

Product Flyer – HiperPFS-5

PFC Controller with Integrated 750 V PowiGaN Optimized for High PF and Efficiency Across Load Range - Pairing with HiperLCS-2 LLC Chipset or InnoSwitch4-CZ Flyback Switcher IC

Product Flyer – InnoMux Chipset

InnoMux and InnoSwitch3-MX Chipset for High Efficiency Monitors, TVs and Appliances with LED Displays

  • QR Flyback with Regulated Output Voltage and Dimmable 4 Channel LED Backlight Driver

Product Flyer – InnoMux-2

The InnoMux-2 IC overcomes this challenge by providing up to three independently regulated voltage outputs or two voltage output and a constant current output from a single stage, achieving a compact and efficient power sub-system with low component count.

Product Flyer – InnoSwitch3-CE

Off-Line CV/CC QR Flyback Switcher IC with Integrated 650 V MOSFET, Synchronous Rectification & FluxLink Feedback for Applications up to 65 W

Product Flyer – InnoSwitch3-CP

Off-Line CV/CC QR Flyback Switcher IC with Integrated Primary-Side Switch, Synchronous Rectification, FluxLink Feedback and Constant Power Profile

Product Flyer – InnoSwitch3-TN

High Efficiency Off-line Isolated CV/CC QR Flyback Switcher IC with Integrated 725 V Primary MOSFET, Synchronous Rectification and Integrated Secondary-Side Control

Product Flyer – InnoSwitch5-Pro

Digitally Controllable Off-Line CV/CC Flyback Switcher IC with Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) Using Advanced SR FET Control, Featuring 750 V or 900 V PowiGaN Switch, Synchronous Rectification and FluxLink Feedback for Output Voltage Up to 30 V

Product Flyer – LinkSwitch-TN2

Highly Energy Efficient Off-line Switcher IC with Integrated 725 V / 900 V MOSFET and System Level Protection for Low Component-Count Power Supplies

Product Flyer – PowiGaN Technology

Power Integrations’ internally developed gallium nitride (GaN) technology, PowiGaN achieves up to 95% efficiency across the full load range and up to 100 W in enclosed adapter implementations without requiring a heatsink. 

  • Highest efficiency power conversion
  • Cascode structure ensures high reliability
  • Simplifies design – circuit behaves like silicon
  • 750 V

Product Flyer – TinySwitch-5

Integrated off-Line switcher with EcoSmart Technology, unleashing up to 175 W output and achieves 92% efficiency in classic flyback architecture