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Application Notes

Showing 1 - 20 of 56 Application Notes
AN-114 - Failure Mode and Effect Analysis - BridgeSwitch-2

Please refer to the BridgeSwitch-2 data sheet for the pin assignments.

AN-115 - Failure Mode and Effect Analysis - InnoMux2-BL

The flyback controller IC used is InnoMux2-BL IMX2065C, and the four-channel LED backlight controller IC is IML204DG. The device was tested under room temperature during 90 VAC and 265 VAC line voltages and, standby and nominal load.

AN-116 - Failure Mode and Effect Analysis - IML204DG Backlight Controller

The flyback controller IC used is InnoMux2-BL IMX2065C, and the four-channel LED backlight controller IC is IML204DG. The device was tested under room temperature during 90 VAC and 265 VAC line voltages and, standby and nominal load.

AN-109 - LinkSwitch-XT2SR 系列非隔离反激式电源设计指南
Description 本应用指南旨在指导工程师使用LinkSwitch-XT2SR系列器件逐步完成非隔离反激式AC-DC电源的设计过程。
AN-106Q - InnoSwitch3-AQ产品系列设计指南,适合汽车应用


AN-2301Q - SCALE EV Bitstream Readout: Signal Filter Guidelines

This document provides guidelines for using hardware and software filters to mitigate high noise levels in applications with electrically noisy environments when using SCALE EV products with Bitstream technology to ensure accurate readings from the bitstream signal.

AN-104 - InnoSwitch4-Pro 产品系列编程手册

本手册介绍软件实现,包括用于控制InnoSwitch4-Pro操作的驱动程序 库。本文档的重要内容是计算各种配置的编程值,如电压、电流、输出线 压降补偿、恒功率、防止任何意外行为的 I²C 命令序列、器件响应和代码 示例。

AN-103 - InnoSwitch4-Pro PIC16F18325 代码库概览与指南

本文档将介绍InnoSwitch4-Pro 产品系列PIC 库的应用。该库可用于InnoSwitch3-Pro和InnoSwitch4-Pro系列器件。该代码被设计为可与不同的微控制器平台高度兼容。

AN-102 - InnoSwitch3-Pro/InnoSwitch4-Pro 产品系列 Arduino 代码库概览与指南


AN-101 - InnoSwitch4-Pro 主调试器概述和指南

通过本指南,用户可以充分了解如何实现器件与Arduino等简单的微控制器的协同工作。所用微控制器为Arduino Mega 2560,以满足主调试器文件的内存要求。Arduino Uno的内存不足以满足此应用的需要。

AN-100 - InnoSwitch4-Pro 配置板 (TST-047) 用户指南

本手册是InnoSwitch3-Pro 配置板(TST-047) 的用户指南。 InnoSwitch4-Pro配置板也可用作控制InnoSwitch4-Pro电源的工具。本文档介绍了配置板的组成、工作原理以及如何与InnoSwitch4-Pro 系列器件配合使用。它还包含电路原理图、物料清单和印刷电路板布局。

AN-2201: SCALE-2、SCALE-iFlex和SCALE-iFlex LT 门极驱动器的并联

本应用指南将阐述SCALE-2和SCALE-iFlex/SCALE-iFlex LT门极 驱动器的并联概念。

AN-82 - TinySwitch-4 产品系列设计指南

本应用指南旨在帮助工程师TinySwitch-4系列器件设计AC-DC隔离反激 式开关电源。工程师可以利用本文所述的指导方法快速选择所需的关键 元件并至完成合适的变压器设计。

AN-98 - LinkSwitch-TNZ Family Buck and Buck-Boost Design Guide

This application note provides information for designing a non-isolated power supply using the LinkSwitch-TNZ family of devices. This document describes the design procedure for buck and buck-boost converters.

AN-2101: Mounting Recommendations for 1SP0335, 1SP0340 and 1SP0635 Gate Driver Families

This application note provides basic guidelines on how to install the 1SP0335, 1SP0340 and 1SP0635 gate driver families on the IGBT modules. These recommendations are helpful to ensure proper mounting of the gate driver to the target IGBT module. It should be noted that it is recommended to use the exact target IGBT module. If issues arise due to use of different IGBT package, information in this note can help.

AN-95 InnoSwitch3-PD Design Guide

This application note is intended to assist in designing an isolated AC-DC flyback power supply or charger using the InnoSwitch3-PD device. It provides guidelines for selecting key components and the information necessary to complete a suitable transformer design.

AN-92 MinE-CAP Design Guide

This application note is intended as a design guide for engineers designing an isolated AC-DC single-stage flyback power supply using the MinE-CAP family of devices. It is assumed that the designer is using the MinE-CAP together with the InnoSwitch3 family of power conversion ICs. However, the design equations shown can be used for applications beyond the scope of this document.

AN-91 - BridgeSwitch PCB Configuration for 3-Phase Inverters

This application note compares the thermal performance of the triangular PCB configuration to the slotted linear PCB configuration with regards to case temperature rise above ambient temperature and temperature variations between adjacent BridgeSwitch devices.

AN-86 - LinkSwitch-XT2 Design Guide

This application note (AN) provides guidance for using LinkSwitch-XT2 and should be read in conjunction with and in the context of the LinkSwitch-XT2 family data sheet.

AN-90 TinySwitch-III Family Design Guide

This application note (AN) provides guidance for using TinySwitch-III and should be read in conjunction with and in the context of the TinySwitch-III family data sheet.