InnoSwitch3-AQ Now Supports 30-1000 V Input with 1700 V SiC Switch
Power Integrations announces two new members of the InnoSwitch3-AQ product family, the automotive industry's first AEC-Q100-qualified 1700 V switching power supply solution. Director of Automotive Business Development Peter Vaughan explains.
PowiGaN - Quality, Robustness and Reliability
Power Integrations has full control over the manufacturing process of its PowiGaN devices, which includes extensive tests specifically designed to ensure the initial quality, robustness and long-term reliability of our...
The Power of Integration - SCALE EV Brings Efficiency and Simplicity to High-Power EV Gate Driver Designs
PI Vice President of Marketing Doug Bailey explains the Power of Integration.Our SCALE EV gate driver boards for automotive-grade EconoDUAL™ modules reduce component count by 50%.
PowiGaN 在太陽能賽車中的應用 - αCentauri 團隊的故事
αCentauri 太陽能賽車的電子負責人兼車手 Aaron Griesser 回顧了團隊與 Power Integrations 合作的歷程。