Qspeed H Series Diodes - 650 V-Rated Qspeed Replaces SiC Diodes
Power Integrations’ trusted Qspeed H Series diodes are now available with 650 V and up to 30 A ratings. These high-power devices feature the industry's lowest reverse recovery charge (Qrr) for a silicon diode.
They offer a compelling alternative to silicon carbide (SiC) diodes, delivering comparable efficiency and voltage derating performance with the favorable price points and supply assurance of silicon diodes.
They readily meet 80% breakdown voltage derating in servers, telecoms, networking, and industrial power supplies that are using power-hungry CPUs and GPUs.
Senior Product Marketing Manager Edward Ong explains.
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세계 최초 1700V 질화갈륨 전력 장치 - InnoMux-2 플라이백 스위처 IC
업계 최초의 1700V 갈륨 나이트라이드(GaN) 스위치가 InnoMux-2 IC 시리즈의 새로운 제품에서 사용 가능해졌으며, GaN 기술의 응용 범위를 대폭 확장했습니다.