ソリューション ファインダー 技術サポート

RDK-852 - 200 W 3-Phase Inverter Using BridgeSwitch BLDC Motor Driver IC and LinkSwitch-TN2 with in FOC operation

200 W 3-phase inverter using BridgeSwitch BLDC Motor Driver IC (BRD1263C) and LinkSwitch-TN2 (LNK3204D) with in FOC operation



Associated Product Numbers BRD1263C LNK3204D
Design Type Reference Design Reports (RDR)
Vin (min) 270
Vin (max) 365
P (NoLoad) 300.00 mW
Efficiency 97.00%
Number of outputs 1
出力 200.00 W
Associated Parts BRD1263C, LNK3204D
Gerber File rdr-852_gerber.zip
