PowiGaNを搭載したソーラーレースカー - チームαCentauriの物語
αCentauriソーラーレーシングのエレクトロニクスリーダー兼ドライバーであるAaron Griesserは、チームがPower Integrationsと提携することになった経緯を振り返ります。
ソーラーレースカーに使用されたDC-DCコンバータ設計はこちら - DER-1029- 50 W Power Supply using InnoSwitch3-EP (750 V PowiGaN)
PowiGaN - Quality, Robustness and Reliability
Power Integrations has full control over the manufacturing process of its PowiGaN devices, which includes extensive tests specifically designed to ensure the initial quality, robustness and long-term reliability of our...
The Power of Integration - InnoSwitch Makes Power Supplies More Efficient, Effective and Reliable
InnoSwitch switcher ICs integrate or eliminate many discrete components in a power supply, each would otherwise need to be independently designed, specified, sourced and made available to manufacturing.