Agency: Natural Resources Canada
Natural Resources Canada is committed to improving the quality of life of Canadians by ensuring the country's natural resources are developed sustainably, competitively, and inclusively.
Agency: Mexican General Directorate of Standards (Dirección General de Normas, DGN)
In Mexico, standardization manifests as the mandatory Official Mexican Standards (NOM), prepared by federal government agencies, and the primarily voluntary Mexican Standards (NMX), promoted by the Secretariat of Economy and the private sector.
Agency: Superintendencia de Electricidad y Combustibles (SEC)
SEC (Superintendencia de Electridad y Combustibles) is the Chilean authority that regulates the electrical products that require a mandatory safety and/or energy efficiency certification in Chile, prior to sale on the local market.
Agency: Programa Nacional de Conservação de Energia Elétrica (PROCEL, the National Energy Conservation Program)
With assistance from PROCEL, Brazil's federal government is establishing a formal regulatory framework for energy efficiency standards and labeling.
Agency: Ministerio de Energia y Minas (MINEM)
Peru's Ministry of Energy and Mines is the entity responsible for promoting the sustainable development of mining and energy activities in the country, which includes creating competitive conditions for private investment and environmental regulation.