RDR-1002 - 140 W USB PD 3.1 Extended Power Range (EPR) Power Supply using InnoSwitch5-Pro (PowiGaN), HiperPFS-5 and Injoinic USB PD Controller
140 W USB PD 3.1 power adapter with 15 V - 28 V EPR adjustable output using PowiGaN-based InnoSwitch5-Pro (INN5377F-H905) and HiperPFS-5 (PFS5277F) in conjunction with Injoinic™ USB PD controller (IP2756)
- InnoSwitch5-Pro – SR ZVS flyback switcher IC with integrated high-voltage PowiGaN, synchronous rectification and FluxLink™ feedback
- No active clamp required
- Fixed output: 5 V / 3 A; 9 V / 3 A; 12 V / 5 A; 15 V / 5 A; 20 V / 5 A; 28 V / 5 A
- EPR adjustable voltage output: 15 V to 28 V / 5 A (140 W power-limited)
- Universal input: 90 to 265 VAC
- >95% full load efficiency at 28 V / 5A, 230 VAC
- >94% full load efficiency at 28 V / 5 A, 90 VAC
- <50 mW no-load input power
- Ultra-compact 80.5 x 63.5 x 20 mm PCB design includes AC prong space
- Zero voltage switching in DCM operating conditions