Power Integrations has full control over the manufacturing process of its PowiGaN devices, which includes extensive tests specifically designed to ensure the initial quality, robustness and long-term reliability of our...
PI Vice President of Marketing Doug Bailey explains the Power of Integration.Our SCALE EV gate driver boards for automotive-grade EconoDUAL™ modules reduce component count by 50%.
This design showcases the benefits of InnoSwitch4-QR flyback switcher ICs in a slim, 100 W LED driver board for LED strip lights and linear luminaires.
With 6 billion units shipped and counting, our TinySwitch switcher IC family has set the standard for small power supplies. Now, the new-generation TinySwitch-5 devices have increased maximum output power...
Power Integrations의 Qspeed H 시리즈 다이오드는 이제 650V 및 최대 30A 정격으로 제공됩니다. 이들은 실리콘 카바이드(SiC) 다이오드에 대한 매력적인 대안을 제공하며, 유사한 효율성과 전압 디레팅 성능을 제공하면서 실리콘 다이오드의 유리한...
이 60V/12A 충전기는 HiperPFS-3 장치를 사용하는 역률 보정 (PFC) AC-DC 컨버터와 HiperLCS-2 칩셋을 사용하는 절연 LLC 컨버터를 특징으로 합니다. HiperLCS2-HB 공진 하프 브리지 스위처 IC는 열 효율이 높은 POWeDIP 패키지를...
In his New Year's greeting video, Doug Bailey highlights key trends in the semiconductor industry for the coming year, including our InnoMux-2 switcher IC family that delivers multiple independently regulated...
When you customize your gate drivers with Power Integrations, you are empowered by our technical experts who ensure the highest standards in quality, reliability and performance.