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Error Installing PIExpertSuite

Posted by: Asutosh on

I am trying to install PIExpertSuite on WIN7. I am getting error message:"Error Reading Setup Initialization File". What could be the reason? I have downloaded the latest version from site.


Submitted by PI-Spock on 09/15/2011

Most likely the installation file was corrupted. Can you download a fresh one from the web and try again.

Submitted by tvandenelshout on 11/30/2011

i have the same problem, but after downloading again the same message occurs..
maybe a wrong setup compilation / build file??

i used 8.5.3 /

internal build 94573

so new download does not resolve the problem

Submitted by tvandenelshout on 12/01/2011

i found a different setup file through some web-download site which was working OK for me.. probably something wrong with the powerint executable..

Submitted by PI-Spock on 12/01/2011

That's strange. Let me look into this... BTW what version did you install and which website did you download the executable from?

Submitted by AOAOAO on 04/02/2020

I tried to download PIExpert on win10, but the installer warned of an installation error

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Submitted by PI-Lupin the Third on 04/04/2020


Thank you for reaching out to us. We would be happy to help you but if may I request, can you please open a separate ticket for this inquiry since this thread was still from 2011.

Hope to see your post soon.

Thanks and Regards,

PI-Lupin the Third