DER-867 - 2-Wire BLE Smart Wall Switch using LinkSwitch-TNZ with Relay Zero-Voltage Switching and Automatic Set/Reset Time Calibration
2-wire Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) wall switch for smart lighting or motorized shading using LinkSwitch-TNZ (LNK3302)
- No neutral wire required: compatible with 2-wire home and building wiring
- Wide input range: 90 VAC - 277 VAC
- Automatic set/reset time calibration at start-up
- Relay switching at AC zero cross
- Non-isolated power supply with half-wave rectifier
- 3 W to 500 W resistive load; 5 W to 150 W LED load
- Lower than 150 µA standby (including BLE) at 230 VAC
- Smartphone app control