2SI0400T2A3C-33 (IMC) Data Sheet
The SCALE-iFlex gate driver family consists of an Isolated Master Control (IMC) unit that supports Module Adapted Gate Drivers (MAGs) together with a cable set. The IMC is designed to operate with power modules that have a rated blocking voltage of up to 3300 V.
SCALE-iFlex enables easy paralleling of up to 4 power modules providing high flexibility and system scalability. The 2SI0400T2A3C-33 driver supports the following MAGs:
- 2SM0120D2A1C (LinPak/nHPD2 module package)
- 2SM0120D2C1C (XHP™2/LV100 module package)
- 2SM0120D2D1C ( XHP™3 module package)