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Newbie needs a comparison of various cores in terms of size/characteristics etc.

Posted by: pftyco on

Hi There,

I have only just started using the PI Expert suite and as I'm also new to SMPS & transformer design I'm not familiar with the various cores/bobbins etc. I was wondering if there's an online resource that anyone can point me to that describes the standard parts?

I'm trying to design a power supply with the PeakSwitch part but the transformer keeps coming back with an error "Transient KP is too low." I have tried to select many different cores but none seem to make any difference, but I am also making changes without understanding the impact or reason for making these changes.

any pointers would be greatly appreciated.




Submitted by PI-Spock on 11/18/2010

There are some good App notes regarding transfomers, sizes, types, safety etc. See
Regarding Transient KP being too low
This can result in skipped cycles which in turn results in under-delivery of power. The way around this is to increase VOR if possible