PI Expert - Design Wizard Takes You from Specifications to Complete Designs, Step by Step
PI Expert features a Design Wizard that can walk you through the design process step-by-step. All you need to do is to provide key perimeters when prompted along the way. Watch Director of Channel Marketing Trevor Hiatt demonstrate how to create a easy-to-build power supply design within minutes.
PI Expert Step-by-Step with Trevor Hiatt
世界初の1700Vガリウム窒化物パワーデバイス - InnoMux-2フライバックスイッチャーIC
業界初の1700V窒化ガリウム(GaN)スイッチがInnoMux-2 ICシリーズの新製品で利用可能になり、GaN技術の応用範囲が大幅に拡大されました。