The Electrification of Everything - A Less Smelly, Less Noisy Future
From electric vehicles on the road to heat pumps in the home, electrification contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by preventing the burning of fossil fuels at the product level. PI Director of Applications Engineering David Chen explains.
Watch part two of this video to learn about the other two legs of the global effort in carbon reduction.
世界初の1700Vガリウム窒化物パワーデバイス - InnoMux-2フライバックスイッチャーIC
業界初の1700V窒化ガリウム(GaN)スイッチがInnoMux-2 ICシリーズの新製品で利用可能になり、GaN技術の応用範囲が大幅に拡大されました。