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Single-Channel SCALE-2 Plug-and-Play Driver with Master/Slave Operation, Drives IGBTs from 3300 V to 6500 V with External DC-DC Converter

過濾器 Filter Products
  • 過濾器
    • IGBT Voltage Class (V)
      IGBT電壓等級 (V)
    • Power - Output/Channel (Max) (W)
      輸出功率/通道 - 最大 (W)
    • Conformal Coated?
    • Supported Modules
    • IGBT Manufacturer
Filter Products
顯示51 - 100項產品, 共243項
Product Parts
輸出功率/通道 - 最大
電源電壓 (典型)
閘極峰值電流 (最大)
時間 - 輸出下降
時間 - 輸出上升
電壓 - 直流母線關閉狀態, 60秒
IGBT Voltage Class 6500 V
Max Switching Frequency 14.1 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) CM1000HG-130XA
IGBT Manufacturer Mitsubishi/Powerex
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 5200 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 4500 V
Max Switching Frequency 15.0 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) CM1000HG-90X
IGBT Manufacturer Mitsubishi/Powerex
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 3550 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 4500 V
Max Switching Frequency 11.3 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) CM1200HG-90R
IGBT Manufacturer Mitsubishi/Powerex
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 3550 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 4500 V
Max Switching Frequency 11.3 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) CM1500HG-90X
IGBT Manufacturer Mitsubishi/Powerex
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 3550 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 6500 V
Max Switching Frequency 9.4 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) CM400HG-130H
IGBT Manufacturer Mitsubishi/Powerex
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 5200 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 6500 V
Max Switching Frequency 14.0 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) CM600HG-130H
IGBT Manufacturer Mitsubishi/Powerex
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 5200 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 4500 V
Max Switching Frequency 16.0 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) CM600HG-90H
IGBT Manufacturer Mitsubishi/Powerex
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 3550 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 6500 V
Max Switching Frequency 14.1 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) CM750HG-130R
IGBT Manufacturer Mitsubishi/Powerex
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 5200 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 4500 V
Max Switching Frequency 10.1 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) CM900HG-90H
IGBT Manufacturer Mitsubishi/Powerex
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 3550 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 4500 V
Max Switching Frequency 7.5 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) DIM1200ASM45-TF001
IGBT Manufacturer Dynex
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 3550 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 4500 V
Max Switching Frequency 7.0 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) DIM1200ASM45-TS001
IGBT Manufacturer Dynex
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 3550 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 4500 V
Max Switching Frequency 15.0 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) DIM750ASM65-TS000
IGBT Manufacturer Dynex
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 3550 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 3300 V
Max Switching Frequency 5.0 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) FZ1200R33KL2C_B5
IGBT Manufacturer Infineon
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 2600 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 4500 V
Max Switching Frequency 12.2 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) FZ1200R45KL3_B5
IGBT Manufacturer Infineon
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 3550 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 6500 V
Max Switching Frequency 15.0 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) FZ200R65KF2
IGBT Manufacturer Infineon
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 5200 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 6500 V
Max Switching Frequency 14.4 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) FZ250R65KE3
IGBT Manufacturer Infineon
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 5200 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 6500 V
Max Switching Frequency 8.7 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) FZ400R65KE3
IGBT Manufacturer Infineon
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 5200 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 6500 V
Max Switching Frequency 15.0 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) FZ400R65KF2
IGBT Manufacturer Infineon
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 5200 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 6500 V
Max Switching Frequency 6.9 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) FZ500R65KE3
IGBT Manufacturer Infineon
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 5200 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 6500 V
Max Switching Frequency 6.1 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) FZ600R65KE3
IGBT Manufacturer Infineon
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 5200 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 6500 V
Max Switching Frequency 4.6 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) FZ750R65KE3
IGBT Manufacturer Infineon
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 5200 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 3300 V
Max Switching Frequency 7.4 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) FZ800R33KL2C_B5
IGBT Manufacturer Infineon
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 2600 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 4500 V
Max Switching Frequency 5.5 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) FZ800R45KL3_B5
IGBT Manufacturer Infineon
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 3550 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 4500 V
Max Switching Frequency 15.0 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) MBN1000FH45F-H
IGBT Manufacturer Hitachi
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 3550 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 4500 V
Max Switching Frequency 12.2 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) MBN1200H45E2-H
IGBT Manufacturer Hitachi
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 3550 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 4500 V
Max Switching Frequency 14.1 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) MBN1500FH45F
IGBT Manufacturer Hitachi
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 3550 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 4500 V
Max Switching Frequency 9.9 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) MBN1500FH45F-H
IGBT Manufacturer Hitachi
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 3550 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 3300 V
Max Switching Frequency 12.2 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) MBN1800FH33F
IGBT Manufacturer Hitachi
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 2600 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 6500 V
Max Switching Frequency 14.0 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) MBN500H65E2
IGBT Manufacturer Hitachi
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 5200 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 6500 V
Max Switching Frequency 17.0 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) MBN750H65E2
IGBT Manufacturer Hitachi
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 5200 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 4500 V
Max Switching Frequency 14.1 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? Yes
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) MBN800H45E2-H
IGBT Manufacturer Hitachi
Main/Peripheral 外圍
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 電氣
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 3550 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 3300 V
Max Switching Frequency 13.0 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.5 W
Conformal Coated? No
Supported Module Type IGBT
Main/Peripheral 主要
Number of Channels 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 短路, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 光纖
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 2600 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 4500 V
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.3 W
Conformal Coated? No
Supported Module Type IGBT
Main/Peripheral 主要
Number of Channels 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 短路, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 光纖
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 3550 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 6500 V
Max Switching Frequency 15.0 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.5 W
Conformal Coated? No
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) 5SNA0400J650100
IGBT Manufacturer ABB
Main/Peripheral 主要
Number of Channels 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 短路, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 光纖
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 5200 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 6500 V
Max Switching Frequency 17.0 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.5 W
Conformal Coated? No
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) 5SNA0500J650300
IGBT Manufacturer ABB
Main/Peripheral 主要
Number of Channels 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 短路, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 光纖
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 5200 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 6500 V
Max Switching Frequency 17.5 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.5 W
Conformal Coated? No
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) 5SNA0600G650100
IGBT Manufacturer ABB
Main/Peripheral 主要
Number of Channels 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 短路, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 光纖
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 5200 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 4500 V
Max Switching Frequency 18.5 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.5 W
Conformal Coated? No
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) 5SNA0650J450300
IGBT Manufacturer ABB
Main/Peripheral 主要
Number of Channels 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 短路, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 光纖
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 3550 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 6500 V
Max Switching Frequency 11.0 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.5 W
Conformal Coated? No
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) 5SNA0750G650300
IGBT Manufacturer ABB
Main/Peripheral 主要
Number of Channels 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 短路, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 光纖
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 5200 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 4500 V
Max Switching Frequency 16.0 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.5 W
Conformal Coated? No
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) 5SNA0800J450300
IGBT Manufacturer ABB
Main/Peripheral 主要
Number of Channels 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 短路, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 光纖
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 3550 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 6500 V
Max Switching Frequency 10.5 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.5 W
Conformal Coated? No
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) 5SNA1000G650300
IGBT Manufacturer ABB
Main/Peripheral 主要
Number of Channels 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 短路, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 光纖
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 5200 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 4500 V
Max Switching Frequency 11.5 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.5 W
Conformal Coated? No
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) 5SNA1200G450300
IGBT Manufacturer ABB
Main/Peripheral 主要
Number of Channels 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 短路, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 光纖
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 3550 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 6500 V
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.5 W
Conformal Coated? No
Supported Module Type IGBT
Main/Peripheral 主要
Number of Channels 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 短路, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 光纖
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 5200 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 6500 V
Max Switching Frequency 15.0 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.5 W
Conformal Coated? No
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) CM1000HG-130XA
IGBT Manufacturer Mitsubishi/Powerex
Main/Peripheral 主要
Number of Channels 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 短路, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 光纖
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 5200 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 4500 V
Max Switching Frequency 15.0 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.5 W
Conformal Coated? No
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) CM1000HG-90X
IGBT Manufacturer Mitsubishi/Powerex
Main/Peripheral 主要
Number of Channels 15
Logic Input Voltage 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 光纖
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 3550 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 4500 V
Max Switching Frequency 12.0 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.5 W
Conformal Coated? No
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) CM1200HG-90R
IGBT Manufacturer Mitsubishi/Powerex
Main/Peripheral 主要
Number of Channels 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 短路, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 光纖
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 3550 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 4500 V
Max Switching Frequency 12.0 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.5 W
Conformal Coated? No
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) CM1500HG-90X
IGBT Manufacturer Mitsubishi/Powerex
Main/Peripheral 主要
Number of Channels 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 短路, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 光纖
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 3550 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 6500 V
Max Switching Frequency 10.0 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.5 W
Conformal Coated? No
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) CM400HG-130H
IGBT Manufacturer Mitsubishi/Powerex
Main/Peripheral 主要
Number of Channels 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 短路, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 光纖
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 5200 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 6500 V
Max Switching Frequency 15.0 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.5 W
Conformal Coated? No
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) CM600HG-130H
IGBT Manufacturer Mitsubishi/Powerex
Main/Peripheral 主要
Number of Channels 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 短路, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 光纖
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 5200 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 4500 V
Max Switching Frequency 17.0 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.5 W
Conformal Coated? No
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) CM600HG-90H
IGBT Manufacturer Mitsubishi/Powerex
Main/Peripheral 主要
Number of Channels 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 短路, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 光纖
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 3550 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No
IGBT Voltage Class 6500 V
Max Switching Frequency 15.0 kHz
Power - Output/Channel (Max) 3.5 W
Conformal Coated? No
Supported Module Type IGBT
Supported Module(s) CM750HG-130R
IGBT Manufacturer Mitsubishi/Powerex
Main/Peripheral 主要
Number of Channels 15
Protection Features 動態高級有源鉗位, 過壓, 短路, 欠壓(次級側)
Technology SCALE-2
Supported Topologies 兩電平電壓源, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型1, 三電平NP鉗位 - 類型2, 多電平NP鉗位
Interface Type 光纖
Supply Voltage (Typ) 25 V
Gate Turn-on Voltage +15.0 V
Gate Turn-off Voltage --10.0 V
Gate Peak Current (Max) +35 A
Time - Output Fall 30 ns
Time - Output Rise 9 ns
Voltage - DC Link Off state (60s) 5200 V
Driving Mode 直接獨立
Connection Type to IGBT 直接
Paralleling Support? No


The 1SP0335 single-channel SCALE-2 Plug-and-Play drivers are designed to safely and reliably drive 130 x 140 mm and 190 x 140 mm IGBT modules with an isolation voltage of 10.2 kV and blocking voltages from 3.3 kV to 6.5 kV. They are optimised for high-reliability applications in the rail sector.  

The driver concept uses a master/slave structure that allows the safe operation of parallel-connected IGBT modules. The master (1SP0335V or 1SP0335S) can be used as a stand-alone driver without slave to drive a single IGBT module or it can be used with up to three slaves (1SP0335D) to drive up to four parallel-connected IGBT modules. 

The master is equipped with a fiber-optic interface and global fault management. In master/slave configurations, slaves are connected to the master by a bus cable which distributes the common command signal and the secondary-side supply voltages from the DC/DC converter. 

1SP0335 drivers are based on the highly-integrated SCALE-2 chipset. Therefore, the drivers are high-performance, complete and extremely compact. The SCALE-2 chipset also reduces the component count by up to 80% compared to conventional solutions, thus significantly increasing reliability and reducing costs. 

1SP0335 drivers are equipped with Dynamic Advanced Active Clamping (DA²C), short-circuit protection, regulated turn-on gate driving voltage and supply-voltage monitoring. 

Perfectly-matched drivers are available for all mechanically-compatible IGBT modules. Plug-and-play configuration allows immediate operation after mounting, so the user needs to invest no time and effort in designing or adjusting the driver for a specific application. 

Fiber-Optic Interface Options

Fiber-optic links are used for the electrical isolation of the command and status-feedback signals. Two versions of fiber-optic interfaces are available: 

  • 1SP0335V equipped with Versatile links
  • 1SP0335S equipped with ST links 

For details, please check the product documentation.

Power supply and electrical insulation

In contrast to other SCALE-2 plug-and-play drivers, 1SP0335 family drivers are modular, with the driver and power supply (DC/DC converter) presented as two separate units. 

Because of this modular concept, any driver that was developed to match a specific IGBT module can be used for any required insulation specifications. Only the separate power supply (ISO5125I) must be chosen for the specific application. 

Therefore, drivers for 3.3 kV to 6.5 kV IGBTs can be implemented in 2-level, 3-level and multi-level inverter topologies. 

The driver is mounted directly onto the IGBT module using three screws. The power supply (ISO5125I) is separately attached close to the IGBT. For parallel connected drivers, only one power supply is required per switch.

Reliable and safe operation of parallel connected high-voltage and high-power IGBT modules.

  • Blocking voltages up to 6500V
  • Fibre-optic interfaces
  • +15V (regulated)/-10V gate driving
  • Direct paralleling of IGBTs
  • 2-level and multilevel topologies
  • Dynamic IGBT short-circuit protection
  • Dynamic Advanced Active Clamping DA2C
  • Supply under-voltage lockout
  • Gate monitoring
  • Creepage and clearances acc. to IEC 60077-1
  • UL compliant
  • Superior EMC
  • Reliable, long service life
  • Available with Conformal Coating
