全球首款1700V氮化鎵電源裝置 - InnoMux-2返馳式開關IC
業界首款1700V氮化鎵(GaN)開關現已在InnoMux-2 IC系列的新產品中推出,大幅擴展了GaN技術的應用範圍。
參考設計套裝 RDR-1053.
PowiGaN - Quality, Robustness and Reliability
Power Integrations has full control over the manufacturing process of its PowiGaN devices, which includes extensive tests specifically designed to ensure the initial quality, robustness and long-term reliability of our...
TinySwitch 5 Unleashes Up to 175 W Output & 92% Efficiency in Classic Flyback Architecture
With 6 billion units shipped and counting, our TinySwitch switcher IC family has set the standard for small power supplies. Now, the new-generation TinySwitch-5 devices have increased maximum output power...
Qspeed H系列二極管 - 650V額定Qspeed替代SiC二極管
Power Integrations的Qspeed H系列二極管現已提供650V和高達30A的額定值。它們提供了碳化矽(SiC)二極管的有力替代方案,具有相近的效率和電壓降額性能,同時具有矽二極管的有利價格點和供應保證。