DER-719Q - 2.7 W StackFET Buck Power Supply using Automotive-Qualified LinkSwitch-TN2Q Automotive graded BOM Output: 18.0 V / 150 mA Input: 60 VDC – 950 VDC Withstands 1100 VDC Input PDF をダウンロード PDF を表示 Login Required A MyPI account is required to receive email notifications for document updates. Please login or register for an account to continue. Continue × アップデートの通知を受け取る アプリケーション 製品 LinkSwitch-TN2Q
仕様 Design Type Design Example Reports (DER) トポロジー Buck Vout 1 18.00 V Vin (min) 60 Vin (max) 940 P (NoLoad) 27.00 mW CV/CC CV Efficiency 74.00% 絶縁型? No Number of outputs 1 出力 2.70 W Associated Parts LNK3206GQ Gerber File