Straightforward Design of Reliable and Efficient Motor Drivers - PowerUP Expo 2022
During this June 29 keynote at PowerUP Expo 2022, Sr. Product Marketing Manager Cristian IonescuCatrina discusses the growth in the market for BLDC and permanent magnet motors that address the market up to 400 W, and the factors that are driving the need for new solutions which are energy efficient and reliable. It introduces BridgeSwitch single- and three-phase motor driver IC family and the latest MotorXpert design tool - unique in the market - which makes design and certification simpler and faster, reducing time-to-market.
PowerUP 2022
- Reliable and Efficient Motor Drivers
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관련 동영상
최신 MotorXpert 소프트웨어는 션트나 센서 없이 FOC 모터를 구동
MotorXpert는 BridgeSwitch 및 BridgeSwitch-2 하프 브리지 모터 드라이버 IC용 사용하기 쉬운 소프트웨어 모음으로, 기능과 구성 가능성이 계속 확장되고 있습니다.